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Singapore Management University

I am Marcus Chua, a first year SMU student going to major in finance with a track in banking. During my free time, I would play sports like badminton, basketball and working out. I enjoy analyzing the financial markets and hope to pursue a career in Investment Banking.


Through this internship, I have learnt how to analyze the ESG progress of companies from different sectors by employing the ideology of Panvesting. Which is to consider all 4 forms of capital (Financial, Environmental, Social and Human). Through the weekly Resilience Analysis practice and presentations, I have gained insights as to the material topics that matter for the companies in the different industries I was tasked to analyze. Additionally, I work on a Carbon Offset project for the last 5 weeks of my internship. The project provided me with valuable knowledge on the emerging Voluntary Carbon Market and shed light on the ways companies utilize carbon offsets for their operations.

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